June 8th - Luke 6:47-48


Luke 6:47-48

The foundations of a building are not a luxury. If you have ever purchased a house, you will have almost certainly had a building survey carried out. Part of this process would be to ensure that the foundations were solid. Subsidence is no laughing matter! The recent hot summers have caused problems for many, as loss of moisture in the soil has caused it to contract, damaging foundations. It’s always important to find out what is happening underneath a building.

Jesus used the illustration of a building’s foundation as the punch line of his sermon. He pointed out that in good weather, all houses look the same.

It doesn’t matter whether they have been built on rock or sand. But when the storm comes, you definitely notice the difference! The house built on rock stands confidently and securely, while the one that was foolishly built on sand gets swept away by the storm.

It’s just the same in life. When everything is going smoothly, you cannot easily tell the difference between those who have a strong Christian faith and those who haven’t. But when the person has an accident, becomes disabled, faces death or financial ruin suddenly the truth is revealed. Their lack of foundations is clear for all to see.

Life’s foundations are important. Just like in a building, it’s not an issue that can be delayed. We need to know that our lives are firmly established on rock which will not move anywhere in the storms of life. Jesus said that his words formed that solid foundation. As we build our daily lives on his teaching, we can be confident that we will be secure whatever challenges life might throw at us.


In what ways have you found Jesus’ teaching to be foundational for your life?


Lord Jesus, help me to keep building on the firm foundations of your teaching. Amen

Released on 8 Jun 2023

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