June 11th - Luke 7:35


Luke 7:35

John the Baptist and Jesus had very different personalities. John spent much of his time in the desert, well away from the main centres of population. He dressed in camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey. Many people concluded that he was possessed by a demon.

On the other hand, Jesus spent his time with people - and often with the more unsavoury members of society. Far from keeping away from drink, Jesus acquired a reputation for partying with people. These two men could hardly have been more different, but both of them came in for scathing criticism.

As a result, Jesus concluded that a person’s true wisdom could only be revealed by the way they lived. We all know many people, probably all very different from one another. That’s exactly the way it should be; I don’t believe God intended people to be pressed into the same mould. Individuality is a wonderful gift but what matters most is that, whatever way of life we have chosen, we live wisely.

Wisdom was the major focus of the writer of Proverbs. He wasn’t talking about the acquisition of facts, but the ability to live life to the full. Wisdom is intensely practical and it enables us to make good decisions which will be a blessing for us and all those around us. There is nothing more desirable than such wisdom.

Proverbs 3:13-15 says: “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.”

Such wisdom can only be found in one place, and that is by worshipping God. As we bring our lives into line with his will, we will find true wisdom. We will continue to look very different to one another but the wisdom which flows from our lives will be a blessing to all those we come into contact with.

In what ways do you see wisdom in the people around you?

Lord God, I want your wisdom. Help me to live so close to you that I will become increasingly wise. Amen

Released on 11 Jun 2023

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