June 13th - Luke 8:15


Luke 8:15

Although this is still early on in Jesus’ public ministry, he already had a considerable following. In telling the parable of the sower, he was making it clear that it wasn’t enough for people merely to hear his message. They needed to let it go deep.

Like any preacher, Jesus was aware of the wide range of reactions to his words. There were those who heard the message and almost immediately forgot it. They quickly moved on to something else. Then there were those who listened and embraced it enthusiastically. But it didn’t last. They never put down roots and so they were easily lured away. And there were those who did put down roots, but distractions grew up at the same time and they were pulled away by the cares, riches and pleasures of life. However, there were also some honest, good-hearted people who heard God’s word and clung to it. And the result was a huge harvest.

There are many lessons that we can draw from this famous parable. Those of us who are preachers and teachers need the reminder that there always have been, and always will be, a full spectrum of responses to our efforts. At times, this can be deeply discouraging. We want everyone to respond with enthusiasm, but the Lord would tell us to keep on spreading the seed irrespective of the results.

We also all need reminding to go deep, and keep going deeper, in our own faith. Whilst we are here on earth, we continue to be Jesus’ disciples. We are learners and, as such, we need to be actively looking for ways to deepen our faith day by day.

If we do so, we can be confident that there will be a huge harvest. In Matthew’s version of this parable, he records that Jesus said there will be “a harvest of thirty, sixty or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” (Matthew 13:23). This should encourage us to become even more determined to grow in our faith. The results will be amazing!

What have you learnt from the parable of the sower?

Lord Jesus, help me to allow your word to go deep in my life, so that I will be increasingly fruitful for you. Amen

Released on 13 Jun 2023

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