June 5th - Luke 6:42


Luke 6:42

I am quite sure that Jesus was smiling when he spoke these words. The picture he gives is like a cartoon. It’s plainly ridiculous to pick out a tiny speck in someone else’s eye when you have a huge log stuck in your own. Jesus’ point is absolutely clear: we need to make sure that we are not being hypocritical, because it is very easily done.

The danger of hypocrisy was one that greatly troubled Jesus. He often pointed out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. They gave the appearance of being devoted to their Jewish faith. They worshipped at the Temple regularly and gave their tithes faithfully. I have no doubt that most people in Jerusalem saw them as the best example of Judaism. Unlike so many people in

the city, they really took their faith seriously. But Jesus saw through their performance. He could see that it was all an act, and he loved them too much to let them get away with living a lie.

While having a good laugh at Jesus’ illustration, we need to own up to the fact that we can all be guilty of hypocrisy. We may not be as flagrant as the Pharisees, but it is still very easy for us to look down our noses at other people when there is still much that is lacking in our own lives.

We need to remember we serve the one who knows everything about us. We might fool other people some of the time, but we will never succeed in fooling God any of the time. It just can’t be done. God doesn’t want us to put on a performance in order to impress the people around us. He longs for us to live genuine Christian lives which are marked by integrity.


What have you learnt from Jesus’ words today?


Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times when I have put on an act to impress other people. Help me to live so closely to you that this never happens. Amen

Released on 2 Jun 2023

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