June 7th - Luke 6:46


Luke 6:46

The title ‘Lord’ is far more than just a term of respect. It is to affirm that they have authority, and deserve to be worshipped and obeyed. That was the reason the early Christians felt that they couldn’t possibly declare: “Caesar is Lord”, even when they were compelled to do so by law. They knew that Caesar did not have ultimate authority and didn’t deserve to be worshipped and obeyed. The person who comes to Jesus and declares him to be Lord is saying he deserves to have first place in their life. So Jesus asked his hearers what they meant when they called him Lord but failed to do what he said.

Christianity is totally misunderstood if it is just seen in terms of words. Saying the creed, singing Christian songs or hymns, listening to sermons (even preaching them) is a total waste of time if the words are not converted into life-long obedience. Jesus made this point forcibly in the Sermon on the Mount when he said: “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my father in heaven will enter” (Matthew 7:21).

Christians are famous for producing words – mountains of them! Every year, vast numbers of Christian books, sermons, songs and videos are produced. But they are all worthless unless they are turned into decisive godly action. We must be careful to ensure that we never fall into the trap of simply saying the words without letting them also transform our lives.


What can you do to ensure that your fine Christian words are turned into action?


Lord Jesus please forgive me when I have failed to turn my words into action. Show me how I can live fully for you today. Amen

Released on 7 Jun 2023

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