November 28th - Psalm 18:1-3


Psalm 18:1-3

Think for a moment of the biggest success you’ve had in your life. It might have been a sporting, academic, business or family success but it’s a moment you will never forget. In this psalm we meet David as he reflects on the incredible success that he had had over the Philistines. He had won a series of battles over his fierce enemies and, in response, he burst out in song. This song also appears in 2 Samuel 22. That book gives us a detailed account of the military successes that led to David’s psalm of praise.

What I find impressive is that all the glory goes to God. Humanly speaking, David had proved himself to be an incredibly wise and effective military commander. He had achieved victories that others had thought impossible. It would have been entirely understandable if David had taken some of the credit for himself but no, he was clear that it was God’s victory. The psalm is an incredible personal testimony. David knew that the crucial thing that he had done was to pray. He had been in a desperate state and he described powerfully how dire the situation had been. He wrote: “The ropes of death entangled me; floods of destruction swept over me. The grave wrapped its ropes around me; death laid a trap in my path” (vv4-5). In this dark and desperate place, David cried out to God; he described in graphic detail the way in which God responded. “The foundation of the mountains shook; they quaked because of his anger. Smoke poured from his nostrils; fierce flames leaped from his mouth.” (vv7-8). David was clear that God alone deserved the praise.

When we look at our own moments of success they might not seem to be on the scale of David’s military victories, but we still need to make sure that we give God the glory. He is the one who made us and enabled the successes to take place. Without him they would never have happened.

What has been your greatest success and in what way do you praise God for making it possible?

Lord God, thank you for the ways in which you bless my life. I thank you for the strength and security that you give me each day. Amen

Released on 28 Nov 2023

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