November 29th - Psalm 19:1-4


Psalm 19:1-4

As soon as I hear these words the majestic chorus from Josef Haydn’s oratorio ‘The Creation’ fills my mind. David was rejoicing because he recognised that we only have to look at God’s amazing work of creation to know what sort of God he is. He wants to communicate with us, and his messages are plainly seen by looking at his handiwork in creation.

The apostle Paul made exactly the same point when he wrote to the church in Rome: “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities —his eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20).

The big question is whether we are willing to listen to what God is saying to us in creation. I fear that people with a New Age worldview have often shown much greater interest in and concern for creation than Christians do. However, this psalm encourages us to take creation very seriously and to use it as a springboard for our worship of the Creator. And if we believe that the world has been made by our loving God then we have the awesome responsibility of caring for it.

But creation doesn’t merely speak to Christians. Paul’s words make it plain that creation is continually declaring to the whole world who God is. Everyone has the opportunity to see how great and powerful God is.

What does God say to you when you look at creation?

Creator God, I worship you for all that you have made. Help me to keep my eyes and ears open to what you are saying to me each day through your creation. Amen

Released on 29 Nov 2023

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