November 1st - 1 Corinthians 3:5-6


1 Corinthians 3:5-6

The divisions that had opened up in the church in Corinth were clearly causing great problems. Divisions always waste time and energy and Paul was eager to put a stop to them. We cannot be sure why people had grouped behind Paul and Apollos
in this way. However, we can easily speculate that because Paul had founded the church in Corinth there were those who felt personally committed to him. Apollos, meanwhile, came from a devout Jewish family in Alexandria, Egypt and would have had a very different upbringing from Paul. It is likely that he would have come under the influence of Philo, the great philosopher, and it may well have been that his preaching was more intellectually impressive than Paul’s. We cannot be sure, and it doesn’t really matter. What is clear is that they, like any other church leaders, were different from one another and difference offers the opportunity for division.

I wonder what Christian leaders have shaped your Christian life. I can think of a number of people whose teaching, example and influence have played a part in shaping my Christian discipleship. None of them have been perfect, but all of them have played a valuable part in helping me to understand what it means to follow Jesus. Christian leaders have done the planting and watering but without the breath of God’s spirit no growth would have resulted.

These are important verses because they warn us against putting Christian leaders on a pedestal. God has given them a vital role, but if God didn’t give growth nothing would happen.

How do these verses help you to evaluate and support the work of your Christian leaders?

Loving God, thank you for the gift of godly men and women who have helped me to know you and love you. Thank you that you are constantly at work giving growth. Amen

Released on 1 Nov 2023

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