November 4th - 1 Corinthians 4:7


1 Corinthians 4:7

Try to take a few minutes to write a description of your life. You will need to include things like your health, family, friendships, job, house, car, bicycle and other possessions. Then look over the list and remind yourself that absolutely every item is a gift from God. I know you might have put some hard work into making some of them happen, but none of them would be part of your life without God. So, how dare we become arrogant and boast as if they were our own achievements?

Paul’s questions are of enormous importance for all of us. The way we answer them will shape the way in which we live our daily lives. When we recognise that God’s hand has given us everything, we will see the need to have a constant attitude of gratitude to God. The person who brags about their achievements and their possessions needs to be pitied. They have totally misunderstood what is going on.

Paul often encouraged his readers to be continually thankful to God. In writing to the Thessalonians he said: “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). He obviously wasn’t saying that everything that happens in life will go wonderfully well. Paul himself faced many hardships and difficulties. What he was saying is that God’s goodness is unending and so, however tough the road may be at times, we have reason to be thankful.

Are you continually thankful to God? If not, what gets in the way?

Loving God, thank you that I have every reason to be thankful to you, whatever is happening in my life right now. Amen

Released on 4 Nov 2023

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