Day 1 - Issue 33


Psalm 25:4-5 NLT
'Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.'
For many years. I lived in fear of disappointing God and messing up my life by straying from God’s path onto the wrong road. Slowly I learned that God was not some cosmic police chief breathing down my neck, waiting to pounce upon the slightest misdemeanour. Rather, God invited me to live my life trusting in his goodness and promise of life in abundance.
Today, travel has been simplified with SatNav. No longer do I need to pore over maps and minutely plan my journey. Meticulous planning was still no guarantee of a journey without diversions and distractions. My worst delay followed taking a wrong turn near Pendle Hill. The weather was atrocious, it was late at night and I was driving back to my home in the Midlands. I knew I was lost and every turn I took simply added to my confusion. Words can’t describe my feelings of relief when, by chance, I turned onto a major road and was able to find my way home again.
Waiting on God is not to remain stationary. It may be that we become woefully lost and distracted as we seek to find the appropriate route in life. But nothing is wasted in God’s economy. I could never have grown into the person I am now without meandering down some dead ends and taking many a wrong turn.
Waiting is about learning to grow increasingly attentive to God in the circumstances of my life. Discovering God’s presence in every turn I take and then recovering my sense of direction through life. Even when I feel I’ve messed up big-time, God is right in each mess with me and I can return to the most appropriate road that puts me en route for God’s heart, finding which is the purpose for life here on earth.
QUESTION: Do you feel lost in a diversion or on track right now?
PRAYER: Take away anxiety and fear and graciously guide me so that I may hear and follow your directions for this stage of my life.

Released on 1 Apr 2020

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