Day 4 - Issue 33


Luke 19:36-37 NLT
'As he rode along, the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him. When he reached the place where the road started down the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had seen.'
Today we begin a short series of readings that leads us into Easter. On Palm Sunday a jubilant crowd celebrated Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem. Only the Pharisees attempted to pour cold water on Jesus’ parade of praise.
Scripture teaches that God inhabits the people’s praises (Psalm 22:3). It’s why we lift up our voices in hymns, psalms and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). Christianity is a celebratory faith. Here, though the crowd may not have understood the significance, the King was making his progress towards his enthronement. This was a truly special event in the making. Over the next few days we shall see Jesus take up his position as King and Lord of all. Even as the days ahead are marked with sadness, they are of the greatest significance and the birthplace of hope for all humanity.
I have taken quite some time to learn that hope is the foundational refrain throughout all of life. For woven into its many twists and turns are the steps I need to take to deepen my encounter with Jesus. The crowd, now jubilant, will discover the celebratory sounds fade, carried away on the winds of controversy and apparent disappointment. In our own world, while it’s easy to find confidence in congregational praise on a Sunday, it’s often hard to carry the tune into Monday and the rest of our working week. Hence the need to take some time, even just a few minutes, to celebrate each day the hope God gives. To recover the hope that I carry in my heart, yet which daily living seeks to steal from me.
This week, walk into Jerusalem with Jesus and celebrate the journey that led to his enthronement and the promise and security of your salvation.
QUESTION: Hope is the underlying gift of God. Are you able to lay hold of hope?
PRAYER: I give thanks, for I know that the greatest hope I have is Jesus. I praise you for this heavenly hope offers me true fullness of life.

Released on 6 Apr 2020

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