William Lane Craig & Lawrence Krauss review their Australia debates - Unbelievable?


Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss recently met in Australia for 3 public dialogues on the existence of God.
They join Justin Brierley to reflect on the value of the events and the way it was carried out. We hear highlights of their discussion on whether God commanded genocide in the Old Testament and if there is good evidence for the resurrection of Christ.
See all the videos from the "God, the Universe & Nothing" events at www.citybibleforum.org
For more faith debates visit www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable
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For William Lane Craig http://www.reasonablefaith.org
For Lawrence Krauss http://krauss.faculty.asu.edu/
For Unbelievable? The Conference video website http://www.premier.org.uk/apologetics
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Released on 23 Jun 2014

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