The Profile

Every Saturday from 8pm

Paralympian Stef Reid: The accident that changed my life

3 Sep 2021

Rachel Matthews meets the five time world record holding Paralympian Stef Reid. In this in depth interview, Stef talks about the accident which changed her life and how her perspective on what it means to be a Christian has matured over time.   Read...

Joel Rosenberg: The Christian author who accidentally predicted 9/11

27 Aug 2021

Imagine if terrorists hijacked a plane and flew it into an American city. What if that led to the US President attempting to overthrow Saddam Hussein's Iraq. This was premise of Joel Rosenberg's first novel - and it was written months before the Sept...

Lindz West: On Jason Derulo, credibility and why he’ll never take a gig where he can’t share his faith

22 Aug 2021

Lindz West may be best known as the energetic frontman of Christian dance band LZ7, but he is also a passionate evangelist with a heart for taking the gospel to the hardest to reach young people. In this week’s The Profile, he talks honestly to Premi...

Jackie Hill Perry: A discussion on gayness and holiness

13 Aug 2021

It's a double bill this week! Jackie Hill Perry is an American Christian speaker, author and poet who’s widely known for being raw, open and honest about her sexuality. Jackie, who says she remembers being same-sex attracted from a young age, now use...

Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees: Faith, doubt and black lives matter

6 Aug 2021

The Mayor of Bristol found himself in an awkward position last summer. Marvin Rees was visibly delighted that the statue of slave trader Edward Colston, which had stood in the city centre for 125 years, had been torn down by Black Lives Matter protes...

Sarah Kroger: The Catholic worship leader on a mission to connect people with Jesus

30 Jul 2021

Sarah Kroger's life dramatically changed when she encountered God at a youth conference. Today, she describes her calling has helping others to understand that they too can have a personal relationship with Jesus. In this in-depth conversation with P...

Sohrab Ahmari: The Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos

23 Jul 2021

Sohrab Ahmari grew up in Iran before becoming an atheist as a teenager after moving to the USA. An adult convert to Catholicism, he is a widely-published journalist and social commentator in the US. He talks to Justin Brierley about his new book ‘Th....

Jeff Lucas: How 'Mr Bean with a Bible' uses humour to get his message across

16 Jul 2021

Jeff Lucas is a popular Bible teacher, speaker and author. He's been a regular columnist for Premier Christianity for over 20 years. But what makes him tick? How did his Christian journey begin? And where does his trademark humour come from? In this...

Jon Yates and Sam Chan: Fixing our fractured society. Talking about Jesus without being ‘that guy’.

9 Jul 2021

2 guests are featured this week on The Profile speaking to Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson: Jon Yates is Executive Director of the Youth Endowment Fund and author of ‘Fractured: Why our societies are coming apart and how to put them back together a....

Christine Caine: The 'old school revivalist' is still clinging to Jesus

2 Jul 2021

There is an honesty about Christine Caine that is rare in high-profile leaders. When the bestselling author, internationally acclaimed speaker and leader of multiple international organisations appears Zoom, she is straight off the treadmill, laughin...

Rachel Pieh Jones: How Muslims friends led me closer to Jesus

25 Jun 2021

Rachel Pieh Jones grew up in the USA but has spent most of her adult life in the Horn of Africa. In this in-depth interview with Premier Christianity's Sam Hailes, Rachel explains how meeting and living alongside Muslims radically changed her percept...

Patrick Forbes – Priest, broadcaster, clown

18 Jun 2021

Veteran broadcaster Patrick Forbes talks to Justin Brierley about his varied life and ministry, which includes seafaring, clowning and being a parish priest, as related in his new autobiography ‘A Roomful of Elephants: My first eighty years in the c....

Arianna Walker: The Mercy UK founder on seeing lives transformed

10 Jun 2021

The CEO of Mercy UK explains how miraculous financial provision has allowed them to run a residential home for vulnerable young women. In the 15 years since the house in West Yorkshire opened, more than 320 young women have been through the residenti...

Rend Collective: Preaching the Gospel, making ends meet and handling the trolls

4 Jun 2021

It has taken the Northern Irish collective a few years to realise it, but they're more of a ministry than a band. That's according to Gareth and Ali Gilkerson, the husband and wife duo who are founding members of the popular worship group Rend Collec...

Richard Stearns: The former World Vision president on fundraising, Trump and Covid-19

28 May 2021

Richard Stearns was President of World Vision USA for 20 years. In this in-depth interview with Premier Christianity's Sam Hailes, he talks about his unexpected calling into the ministry and how he felt completely unprepared and ill-equipped for the...