Ross Hendry: Proclaiming God's better story in the messy world of politics


The CEO of the Christian charity, CARE, speaks to Premier Christianity's Sam Hailes about his life and faith. Ross Hendry was born in Wales, has worked for a trade union and held senior positions at a number of Christian charities. Opening up about the time he stood to be a Labour MP, Ross recalls the hostility he encountered from his opponents who portrayed his evangelical faith as something to be feared. "There was the suggestion I was running a homophobic campaign as an evangelical Christian. There was no evidence of that...for example there was a suggestion that because I had a picture of my wife and I on our campaign literature I was somehow flaunting my heterosexuality." Despite these, and other challenges, Ross continues to be a passionate advocate for Christians being involved in all areas of politics. Today, CARE campaigns on a variety of issues, from euthanasia to artificial intelligence and has recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. In this interview the pair discuss various Christian attitudes to politics and Ross comments on how people of faith can ensure their voices are heard.

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Released on 24 Nov 2023

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