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Andy Peck talks to Tim Gough, who is the Pioneer Director for YFC Wales and the author of Rebooted: Reclaiming Youth Ministry for the Long Haul. They talk about how the decline in young people took place despite a rise in paid youthworkers and what we might do to repair the damage in local churches.
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Released on 3 Feb 2023
The modern day hymn writer Keith Getty is best known for penning 'In Christ Alone' alongside Stuart Townend. Now Keith, together with his wife Kristen, has been nominated for a Grammy award for their lockdown album Confessio - Irish American Roots. I...
Renowned pastor, author and Christian thinker Tim Keller joined Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson of Premier Unbelievable? for a live show. Keller, who led Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York for over 25 year, talks about his life and faith, his...
Andy Peck talks to Lee Kricher author of 'Seamless Pastoral Transition: 3 Imperatives – 6 Pitfalls'. The former pastor of Amplify Church, Pittsburgh tells Andy how to ensure that the transition from one pastor to the next doesn't mean losing members...
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