KXC’s Pete Hughes: Discovering God’s plan to make all things new


In this week’s episode, church planter and author Pete Hughes talks to Sam Hailes about coronavirus, racism, ministering to millennials and Gen Z in London and why and how the church he leads in Kings Cross has grown. The figures - 40 congregants to 700 in a ten year period - have impressed many, but Pete is up front about the challenges as much as the highpoints. One of his passions is helping Christians understand the big picture of God’s story. His debut book All Things New is designed to communicate “God’s burning desire is to bring restoration to every sphere of society.” And in a tongue in cheek reference to his brother’s song, Pete believes heaven won’t involve sitting on a cloud and singing ‘Here I am to Worship’. There’s something much better in store for us, he says. 
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Released on 3 Jul 2020

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