Chris DeFlorio - a real life Exorcist


It's a unique person that answers the call to deliverance ministry but that's exactly what happened to Chris DeFlorio who writes about his experiences as a demonologist in his book Called into Darkness.

The retired New York police officer had plenty experience witnesses acts of evil. On 9/11 he was working as a paramedic at JFK airport, later signing up to be a cop on the midnight patrol.

Coming from an American Italian background he and his wife had been loosely following Catholic and Christian teachings but admits they were only really 'saved' together when he was 38-years-old.

During a stint on a mission to African DeFlorio witnessed what he believed to be a demon possession in man - a look in the eye he could not mistake. He felt called back to the city where he studied demonology and became emboldened to continue 'taking on the devil'. He's been doing it ever since.

In this week's Profile he talks to Christianity Magazine Editor Sam Hailes about his journey, why some Christians get nervous around the subject of possession and how it's hurting The Church.

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Released on 25 Oct 2024

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