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If we think of baptism primarily as a point of controversy rather than a gift from God, we need to take some time and think again. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows that baptism is a sign that confirms the promise of the gospel. Read the transcript:
Released on 28 Aug 2023
Baptism wasn’t given to us just for the experience of a moment—it’s a sign that affects every day of our Christian lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us what our baptism teaches us about Christ and what He has done for us. Read the transcript:
Sinners were coming to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. Why did Jesus, the sinless Son of God, ask to be baptized with that same water? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the gospel message that this moment conveys. Read the transcript:
Discussions about baptism often focus on what we are baptized with--how much water and how it's to be applied. Today, Sinclair Ferguson encourages us to consider what we are baptized into--and how that affects our identity. Read the transcript:
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