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The law against coveting is often ignored, yet it was this command that pierced the heart of Saul and revealed his need for Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the effects of neglecting God's law and its relationship to our Lord Jesus. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:
Released on 15 Mar 2024
As we come to understand what God has done to redeem us, we're instilled with the desire to sing our Savior's praise. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to reflect on the significance of singing in the Christian life. Read the transcript: A...
When we sing the great Christian hymns, we're reminded that we worship God with the vast company of believers through the centuries. Today, Sinclair Ferguson makes the case for having hymnals in our homes and in our churches. Read the transcript: A....
If anything should make Christians want to sing, it's knowing that Jesus Himself is in our midst, leading us in praise. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the kind of singing in which our heavenly Father delights. Read the transcript: A...