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How did Lewis approach moments of religious ecstasy? Dr David Clare of Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick explores this idea in a talk given at the C.S. Lewis Group at Ulster's spring mini symposium. The event was entitled 'C.S. Lewis and the Land of His Birth: Re-rooting Lewis in Ulster & the Island of Ireland'. The title of Dr Clare's talk was ‘“Lit Up Inside”: C.S. Lewis’s Joy & Ulster Protestant Ecstasy’. Here, he looks at some of Lewis' moments of spiritual ecstasy as well as his search for joy. To find out more and book tickets for the CS Lewis Symposium in Belfast on 4th November:
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Released on 14 Oct 2024
How did Lewis approach ecstatic experiences, particularly in light of his Ulster Protestant background? Dr David Clare of Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick continues his talk given at the C.S. Lewis Group at Ulster's spring mini symposi...
Dr Curtis White's PhD focuses on the relationship, work and theology of CS Lewis and TS Eliot. Here, he highlights some of his thoughts on this topic as well as sharing how Lewis was integral to his own faith journey. White also talks about the upcom...
Ruth Jackson spoke to singer-songwriter Sarah Hawkyard who describes Mere Christianity as a "game changer", which "hooked" her onto Christianity. Lews played an integral role in Sarah coming to faith, challenging, inspiring and providing her with pro...