May 5th - Psalm 136:1-3


Psalm 136:1-3

Those are just the first three verses of this psalm. It has 26 verses in all and they all end with the refrain: “His faithful love endures forever.” You have to feel that the psalmist is trying to make a point! During the psalm, he points to the wonder of creation and the way in which God has helped the people of Israel throughout their turbulent history. All of these things illustrate the consistent love of God for his people.
In the last few years as a foster carer, I have learnt so much about the word ‘attachment’. In order to be secure and develop in a healthy way, every child needs to have a firm attachment to a parent or carer. If that attachment is disturbed or unreliable, there may be serious consequences for the young person, which often continue throughout their life.

This psalm is all about attachment. God promises to love his people and to do so consistently forever. The psalmist celebrates the fact that this has been the experience of the people of Israel through the centuries. Therefore, they are able to look to the future with confidence, knowing that God will continue to love his people and provide for them.
Jesus told his followers that they were called to love God with all their heart, soul and mind, and to love their neighbour as themselves. That’s what God is calling us to do. But doing any of that will depend upon us, first of all, recognising that we are totally and continually loved by God. Only when we have been touched and moulded by God’s love will be able to go out and pass that love on to others.

How firm is your attachment to God?
Lord God, I thank you that you love me completely and give me the strength to love others day by day. Amen

Released on 5 May 2023

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