March 31st - Mark 10:51-53


Mark 10:51-53
On the face of it, Jesus’ question would seem entirely unnecessary. Surely it was obvious what a blind man would want Jesus, the famous healer, to do. So why did he ask it? I believe he asked it because, in doing so, he gave the man dignity. Jesus didn’t barge into his life and do what he considered would be best for him; he listened to Bartimaeus. The blind man declared his desire to be able to see again and Jesus, recognising the man’s faith, healed him.
Jesus never barges into our lives. He asks us what we want him to do for us. Yes, we all need forgiveness, but he will only give it to us when we are serious about our request. The fact is that many people want to hang on to their sins. Sin has become such a part of life that they can’t imagine being separated from their bitterness, selfishness, anger, sexual sin or whatever it happens to be. The offer of forgiveness from Jesus is real and definite but he won’t give it as a sticking plaster to place over our ongoing sin. He forgives us only when we repent and declare our willingness to live in a new way. The decision lies entirely with us.

God longs to be our guide but, once again, that is never imposed on us. We can get guidance from a thousand different sources. The internet, friends, the media, newspapers and books are fertile ground for guidance. It is only as we surrender to God and tell him that we want him to guide us that he is able to lead us in his way. He may well use material that we have gained from other sources, but he is the one who shows us the way to go, if only we are open to his voice.
Bartimaeus’ life was transformed because that’s what he asked for. James, in his letter, observed that many of the people he was addressing hadn’t received the blessings of God for one simple reason: they hadn’t asked (James 4:2). Let’s not make the same mistake.

What are you going to ask God for today?
Thank you, loving God, that you love to bless me. Help me always to be ready to welcome you into every part of my life. Amen

Released on 31 Mar 2023

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