March 1st - Revelation 2:18-19


Revelation 2:18-19

This is the beginning of the letter to the church in Thyatira. It was the smallest and least significant of the seven towns which the risen Lord addressed, and yet they received the longest letter! Thyatira was a busy commercial centre and was particularly famous for the dyeing of wool. You may remember that Lydia, who Paul met in Philippi and who was the first European convert to Christianity, was a trader in purple cloth and came from Thyatira.
There was much to praise in this church. Not only were they loving, faithful, servant hearted and patiently persistent in their faith, but they were also constantly improving. What more could you want?! But sadly, they had a problem. They had allowed somebody to infiltrate the church who had encouraged sexual immorality and the eating of food offered to idols. It is highly likely that this happened through the trade guilds, of which there were many in Thyatira. Indeed, there were more trade guilds in this town than anywhere else in the region. In order to trade, it would be important to belong to one of these guilds. But they were famous for their banquets, at which people would be expected to eat food which had first been offered to idols. The banquets were also famous for their immorality. It was therefore all too easy for the Christians of Thyatira to become ensnared in practices which were evil and destructive. They needed to address this and take decisive action.

In every society, Christian values are under attack and it is always tempting to compromise. We need to be on our toes and ensure that we are living so close to God that we are aware of the dangers and ready to respond wisely and decisively.

In what ways are you tempted to compromise your Christian faith?
Loving God, help me to stand up for you and never to compromise. Fill me with your Spirit so that I will be strong and wise whatever challenges I have to face. Amen

Released on 1 Mar 2023

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