March 19th - Mark 9:5-6


Mark 9:5-6
Peter, James and John had just had the most incredible experience. They had been with Jesus as he was transfigured in front of them. We are told that this happened on a high mountain. This is often thought to be Mount Tabor in southern Galilee, although it may well have taken place on the constantly snowy Mount Hermon, which was not far from Caesarea Philippi, where they had just spent time together. Mount Hermon is the highest peak in the area and rises to nearly 3,000 metres. The disciples saw Jesus’ clothes transformed into dazzling white and he was accompanied by Moses and Elijah. Moses was the great lawgiver and Elijah the first and greatest of the prophets. What an incredible experience it must have been. It’s hardly surprising that Mark notes the disciples were all terrified!
Peter’s response was so typical of him. Terrified, he didn’t know what to say - but that didn’t stop him from blurting out a response! He said that it was great to be there and suggested they should build three shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. It was a generous idea, but totally missed the point. The transfiguration was simply a precious holy moment in the ministry of Jesus. It wasn’t something that needed to be preserved or prolonged. In that amazing moment God spoke out of the cloud saying: “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to him” (Mark 9:7). The next moment, the disciples looked around to see Moses and Elijah had gone. They were alone with Jesus once again.

I am sure we can all think of precious moments of worship which we would have loved to prolong. Perhaps we were in a great cathedral, or at a Christian festival. Or we may have been on holiday in a beautiful place and God seemed incredibly close to us. We were sad when we needed to move on, but that’s precisely what we had to do. It was just so for Jesus and the disciples. They had had their mountain top experience and now they needed to return to the cut and thrust of everyday life.

Why is it important that we don’t prolong mountain top experiences?
Loving God, thank you for special moments when you feel incredibly close to me. May they be a constant source of strength and encouragement. Amen

Released on 19 Mar 2023

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