February 24th - James 1:2-3


James 1:2-3
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
Having problems, trials and difficulties hardly sounds like the best way to create joy. So what is James talking about in these verses? It may sound ridiculous, but he is taking his readers to the heart of the Christian faith, which turns everything upside down.
James is not saying that when we face difficulties it will be a bundle of fun. He is speaking to people who knew what it was to suffer for their faith. He wants them to know that, when we place our difficulties in God’s hands, he produces something in us that lasts. Something that takes us closer to the heart of God, and that always produces joy.
I have had a bad back for many years. At times, I’ve lived with pain night and day. It’s certainly not fun. But I thank God for the way in which he has used it to lead me closer to him. It has, unquestionably, helped me to learn to persevere, and given me a close connection with other people who have bad backs. There are plenty of us about!
I’m not suggesting that you should go out and tell your friends who are suffering that they need to burst into joyful song and perform cartwheels in celebration. But you can encourage them. Because God is at work and, as they share their tough times with him, he will bless them, strengthen them and give them perseverance to live effective and fruitful lives.
In order for any relationship to succeed, we all need perseverance. That only comes as we keep going - with God’s help - through the difficult times. It’s a tough message, but it’s God’s way of bringing lasting joy into our lives.
Question – In what ways have you personally experienced joy in times of difficulty, and how could you pass on that encouragement to other people?
Prayer – Lord Jesus thank you for the good news that you are with me in every difficulty that I face. Thank you for your gift of joy even in the toughest times. Amen

Released on 24 Feb 2024

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