Febraury 20th - Revelation 1:10-11


Revelation 1:10-11

For many years after Jesus’ earthly ministry, his followers continued to meet on Saturday, and those from a Jewish background maintained their attendance at the temple or local synagogue. However, by the beginning of the 2nd Century, the special day for Christians had become Sunday, the first day of the week, the day of resurrection. John’s reference here to the Lord’s Day is the only time this expression is used in the Bible and almost certainly refers to his practice of worshipping on a Sunday.
The first manual of Christian worship and instruction was called The Didache and it observed: “On the Lord’s Day we meet and break bread.” Ignatius of Antioch described Christians as “no longer living for the Sabbath, but for the Lord’s Day.” The practice of meeting on Sunday began in Asia Minor (which is roughly equivalent to modern-day Turkey) and that’s where John was living.
As John worshipped, God spoke to him and directed him very specifically to write to the seven churches nearby. Of course, God can speak to us at any time, but it is not surprising that he often speaks with special clarity on a Sunday, when we set aside time to worship and listen to him. Specific messages, such as John heard, are not received all the time. Often we will hear God speak words of general help and encouragement. But we should always be ready for whatever God wants to say to us, however new and surprising it might be.

What has God said to you recently during Sunday worship?
Loving God, I thank you that you are a God who speaks to me. Help me to listen carefully to what you have to say. Amen

Released on 20 Feb 2023

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