December 3rd - 2 Peter 1:3


2 Peter 1:3

It is very tempting to compare ourselves with other Christians. We see their strong faith and compassion and end up feeling thoroughly depressed. We are aware of our shortcomings and think that we will never make it. Peter himself once fell to his knees before Jesus and said: “Oh, Lord, please leave me —I’m such a sinful man” (Luke 5:8). Jesus had just helped him to land an enormous catch of fish, but for Peter it was all too much. He felt completely inadequate.

If you are feeling that you don’t have what it takes to be a strong Christian, then read this verse carefully. Peter is saying that God has given you everything you need to live a godly life. In effect he is telling each of us: “You can do it, because God will make it possible.”

The problem is that we often look at the Christian life in terms of our own strength and abilities. What we need to do is to change the focus, and look at our great God who, in the power of his Spirit, is able to equip us.

The Bible repeatedly introduces us to weak people who were deeply aware of their inadequacies. Moses had a speech impediment which, so far as he was concerned, totally disqualified him from leading the people of Israel. But God knew all about his difficulties and called Aaron to be his mouthpiece. Isaiah met the Lord in the temple at a crucial moment in the nation’s history. He found this a thoroughly depressing experience because he knew just how sinful he was. But God used him to speak powerfully to his people. In the New Testament we meet Peter who put his foot in it on so many occasions you would assume that he would never be invited to be a leader. But that’s exactly what he became.

In short, don’t look down on yourself. Instead, look up to God – who will equip you to do everything he calls you to do.

What are the things that give you strength to live for God?

Lord God, thank you that you love me perfectly and are willing to use me and equip me even when I feel completely useless. Amen

Released on 3 Dec 2023

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