December 20th - Luke 1:76-77


Luke 1:76-77

Zechariah’s prophecy focused on the coming of the Messiah, but that didn’t mean that his son John the Baptist’s role was a minor one. John would be the first prophet in the land since the time of Malachi, 400 years before. It had always been known that someone would be sent as a forerunner to the Messiah and Zechariah’s son would have this vital role.

Not many people become Christians simply because of things they have heard or read. Most people are introduced to Christianity through someone they know, and often by more than one person. The life and example of these people helped to prepare the way for them to meet the Lord.

Christmas gives us a supreme opportunity to point people to Jesus. For much of the year, the Church and the Christian message sit on the fringe of our society. But at Christmas time large numbers of people attend carol services and nativity plays. Undoubtedly most people’s attention is claimed by the pressure to buy presents, food and drink. But we dare not miss the wonderful opportunities we have to present the Christian message.

Like John the Baptist, we are not the answers to the problems of the world. But we know a man who is. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for people to meet Jesus, so too Christmas gives us a supreme moment to prepare the ground for people to meet him, the Saviour of the world.

In what ways are you able to prepare the way for others to meet Jesus this Christmas?

Loving God, I pray for my family and friends. I pray especially for those who do not know you and ask you to help me prepare the way for them to meet Jesus. Amen

Released on 20 Dec 2023

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