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Proverbs 10:19
There is a huge amount of advice about words in the book of Proverbs. The writer knew that the tongue is capable of bringing death or life (18:21) and so he went to great lengths to encourage his readers to use their words carefully. “The words of the wise bring healing. Truthful words stand the test of time” (Proverbs 12:18-19). He encouraged his readers to make sure that they were in full control of their tongues. In 13:3 he said: “Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.” The writer also commended silence, and Abraham Lincoln gave very similar advice on the subject. He wrote: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove
all doubt.”
I have no idea how these words might apply to you. Perhaps you are always inclined to be quiet, and you hardly need the advice. But you may be like me. In my work as a minister I find myself talking a great deal and, if I am honest, I enjoy doing so. I certainly need the reminder to be silent so that I can listen more carefully to other people.
I believe this helpful advice also applies to our relationship with God. It is important for us to ensure that we are willing to be silent before him. He wants us to bring our thanksgivings, confessions and requests to him but he doesn’t want the conversation to be entirely one sided. He also wants to speak to us and, if that is to happen, we need to learn how to be silent. In a busy, noisy world that won’t happen unless we carefully ensure that it does.
It’s probably not wise for us to read too many of these wise words in Proverbs in one sitting. They are so sharp and abrupt that if we read too many, we could easily get indigestion! But they are words of life and we would do well to keep returning to them, and examining our lives in the light of them.
Are you good at being silent; if not, what could you do to improve?
Loving God, help me to listen carefully to other people and to you. And when I speak, help me to do so with love and care. Amen
Released on 12 Dec 2023
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