Day 90 - Issue 37


READ: Psalm 57.8-9 NLT

'Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song. I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations.'
I have always loved singing and have sung with many choirs over the years. I suspect that many of you will have had a similar experience and you will know what a joy it is to contribute your little sound to the united voice of a choir. It isn’t surprising that singing has always played such a major role in worship. It takes our words to another level as we seek to express our love for God and our devotion to him. I find it wonderful to think of the way in which God’s people have sung through thousands of years. Whether they have been experiencing poverty or wealth, war or peace, sickness or health there have always been songs on the lips of God’s people.
Wonderful as singing is, I’ve always felt a little uneasy with it because not everyone is able to sing. Some people are tone deaf and the noise that comes out of their mouth could never be described as pleasant. It feels very unfair that some people have the ability and others don’t. However, I believe that the focus of singing in the Bible is not so much upon tunefulness as upon the heart. What God is looking for is people who have a heart of love for him and who want to bring him their praise, whatever noise comes out. The last thing that God wants to hear is beautiful melodies from a heart that is standing in opposition to him.
Early on in my ministry I had three men in the church where I was serving who were always enthusiastic in their worship but unable to sing in tune. I derived huge pleasure from hearing them sing. They would never have won a recording contract but the noise that they made declared where their hearts were. I hope you will find this encouraging whether you are a wonderful singer or not. God wants to hear your heart and we should enjoy one another’s singing whatever it sounds like.

QUESTIONS: In what way does singing bless you?
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, that you always give us much to sing about. Help me to find ever increasing joy in singing your praises. Amen

Released on 29 Jun 2021

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