Day 70 - Issue 38


Psalm 62.1-2 NLT

'I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will neve be shaken.'

What’s the biggest challenge that you have faced in life? It may have been an illness, the death of someone who was close to you, the betrayal of a friend or the breakup of a relationship. In such moments we desperately need to know where to turn. We need a rock. King David seemed to face such challenges frequently and he reflected that he had found God to be his rock and his fortress. He knew that, even though life continued to hurl challenges and difficulties at him, he was unshakable. In this particular psalm he spoke about those who were aiming to bring him down through their lies. They trusted in extortion and bragged about their stolen goods. They were always seeking to trip him up, but he discovered that they, and their threats, counted for nothing in the face of God’s unshakable strength.
The writer to the Hebrews reflected on the fact that everything in this life can be shaken. It may seem secure and reliable for a while but, at the end of the day, it will be shaken to destruction. But he reminded his readers that they were “receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable” (Hebrews 12.28) Like Abraham, they could step out in faith knowing that their inheritance was impregnable. God would not let them down and they could live with the assurance that they were eternally secure.

On the day of disaster, it is obvious that you need to know where your security is. You need to know that God is there to give you all his protection and comfort. But God doesn’t want us to regard him as an emergency service who is only there for the bad times. His desire is that we should know his rock-like security every day so that we are continually blessed by his love and strength and can, therefore, look to the future with confidence knowing that whatever happens we will never be shaken.

Question: In what way have you experienced God to be your rock?
Prayer: Lord God, we praise you that you want to be our fortress today. Help us to trust you completely whatever happens. Amen

Released on 8 Sep 2021

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