Day 55 - Issue 37


READ: Acts 2 11-13 NLT
“We all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other. But others in the crowd ridiculed them, saying, “They’re just drunk, that’s all!”
I love the carefulness of Dr Luke’s account of the day of Pentecost. He is giving us only a very brief summary of what actually happened on that amazing day, but he doesn’t miss out the fact that many people struggled to work out what on earth was going on! For us it is absolutely clear what a significant day it was, but for many people at the time it was thoroughly perplexing. Some asked genuine questions, and Peter is just about to give them a very full explanation. But other people concluded that the bizarre events could only be explained by alcohol.
When God works in your life in a big way there will always be a variety of responses. Perhaps you have felt led to be confirmed or baptised, or to change your job in obedience to the Lord, or to work for him in another country. Some people will have questions and we should always be delighted by this. I remember the time when an uncle of mine became a minister. He had a well-paid job in the oil industry and lived in a beautiful home in the suburbs. As a minister he lived in much smaller house in a far less attractive area and saw his income reduced enormously. There were inevitably many questions! Such moments give us, like Peter, a superb opportunity for explaining to people what our faith means to us.
But, be warned, there will always be people who will laugh off our experiences. It must have been very hurtful for the apostles to hear that some people thought that they were intoxicated. They had completely missed the point. We should never be surprised by such responses, but patient and gracious as we explain what’s going on. It is hardest of all when such reactions are from people in our own families, and we will need special grace to keep our cool and to respond wisely and graciously.

QUESTIONS: How do you respond when people laugh at your Christian commitment?
PRAYER: Lord God, help me to respond with your wisdom and grace to those who are perplexed by my faith. Amen

Released on 25 May 2021

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