Day 55 - Issue 35


READ: Psalm 40:9-10 NLT
'I have told all your people about your justice. I have not been afraid to speak out, as you, O Lord, well know. I have not kept the good news of your justice hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power. I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness.'
We often hear people say that religion is a private matter. The view seems to be that you can believe whatever you like just so long as you keep it to yourself. In this psalm David points out that this just cannot be done. Anyone who discovers the justice, faithfulness and salvation of God needs to talk about it!
I wonder what excites you? It could be your family, your cat, your home, your stamp collection or this year’s holiday. It is the most natural thing in the world to want to look for an opportunity to tell other people about whatever is most precious to you. That’s the way we’re wired.
When you have experienced God’s goodness in your life it is impossible to bottle it up. Here David talks about telling everyone in the great assembly about God’s love and faithfulness. Presumably, he is talking about the times when people would gather at the Tabernacle, the tent of meeting in Jerusalem, which preceded the Temple. As they gathered together they were able to share their own stories of how God had met with them.
It is so important that we meet regularly with our Christian brothers and sisters to worship God and to share our own stories of his goodness to us. Doing so is good for us personally but also nourishing for other people’s faith. But the good news of what God has done in our lives cannot be restricted to our Christian family. If we only share our stories of God’s goodness in the church, then most people will never hear about it. Whoever we meet with we need to share what God has done in our lives with the same enthusiasm that we might use to talk about our families or our pets.
QUESTION: What opportunities do you have for telling other people about how great God is?
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for your amazing love and faithfulness. Help me to seize every opportunity for sharing this with those around me. Amen.

Released on 16 Dec 2020

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