Day 45 - Issue 36


READ: Isaiah 46:4 NLT
'I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.'
I have huge respect for many people but at the top of my list come carers. I am constantly amazed by the way in which so many people pour out their lives to support other people. They give up their own convenience and opportunities in order to give their love to others. It is impossible to know the exact number of carers but we are told that it might exceed 8 million people in the UK, and so I am absolutely sure that this describes many of you.
Today’s verse focuses attention on the supreme carer – God himself. He is the pre-eminent carer because he never sleeps and there is no limit to his wisdom and strength. And, amazingly, he is the carer for all of us.
Whatever our needs he is able to reach out to us and give us the support we need, from the time when we were born to the time when we have white hair. That is now a fitting description of me and so I find this particularly powerful and encouraging.
There may be times in our lives when we are unaware that God is our carer. It may be because we are so overwhelmed with our busy lives and we don’t have time to think about him. Certainly, God’s people living in exile in Babylon were often totally unaware of him. They often felt that they had been forgotten about and that life was hopeless. But through it all God was nearer to them than their breath. He stood beside them offering to care for them every moment.
Whether you are feeling happy and confident today or that the bottom has recently fallen out of your world, you need to remember that God cares for you and will not leave your side.

QUESTION: In what way do you need God to be your supreme carer today?
PRAYER: Thank you Lord that you are constantly nourishing and supporting me, even when I forget about you. Amen.

Released on 4 Mar 2021

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