Day 32 - Issue 34


Philippians 1:6 NLT 
'And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.'
Our Oratory garden is never still. Plants are flowering and trees blossoming. As plants spread, we move them, to find the ideal space for their development. As disciples, we are the same. As a new Christian I thought the job was done: I would get on with my life, but view everything through a Christian lens. I forgot that I had turned my whole life over to Jesus. My ambitions were no longer necessarily God’s ambitions. It took time to realise my conversion was just the start of a journey that would change the way I looked at myself, the world around me and God.  
Sometimes I’ve completely stagnated, become distracted and stopped the good work within me from growing. Like a plant longing for sunshine can struggle to survive in the shadow, so I allowed the shade of life events to cut me off from the rays of God’s love and encouragement. A lot of the work I do today is with those who have retired, and describe themselves as “at a loose end”. Without the routine of employment, they struggle through each day, with no real sense of purpose.  
Yet, life in one sense is no different. The requirement to work may have disappeared, yet the responsibility to work out God’s purpose remains. Perhaps the distraction of work and other responsibilities placed God’s purpose in the shade. Now it’s time to replant that purpose within the full sunlight of God’s love. None of us is without a destiny, and each requires the work of God’s Spirit to equip us to realise that destiny. That work isn’t finished until we die. Just as in a garden needs organisation to flourish, so with our discipleship, there’s much to be done so that we live out of God’s purpose. 
In Christ you are the purpose God has birthed within you. You may need to prayerfully go in search of that purpose, or talk with a spiritual coach. Your purpose, like your shadow, stays with you for life. 
QUESTION: What do you think are the purposes God has for you? 
PRAYER: Lord, help to find what you want me to do – and to do it.  

Released on 13 Aug 2020

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