Day 3 - Issue 36


READ: Genesis 1:27 NLT
'So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.'
People fascinate me. I can happily sit watching people because they are so incredibly different from one another. In size, shape, colour, height, age and ability they are all absolutely unique. However, we have one thing in common – we have all been made in the image of God.
This is a very interesting way of describing human beings and not least because the second commandment tells us that we should never create an image of God. That’s understandable because if you make an inanimate image of God there is every possibility that
you will focus your worship on the image and forget about God himself. And yet God has made and you and me as images of himself. Isn’t that amazing? What we learn from this is that we resemble God. In our creativity, our loving, our kindness, our need to communicate and in many other ways we reflect the nature of God.
I have found these insights particularly powerful and precious in the last few years as I have spent a great deal of time with disabled people. I’ve spent time with people with learning disabilities who have never been able to speak, and with visually impaired people who have never seen anything. I have treasured the fact that, different as our lives obviously are, we are all made in the image of God and that is more important than anything else.
Our society showers us with images of beautiful young able-bodied people. We should praise God for the fact that they have been made in the image of God. And when we see a tiny baby born prematurely and supported by a ventilator, an elderly person with dementia or a person with multiple disabilities we should praise God for them as well, for they too have been made in God’s image.

QUESTION: What do you see of God in the people around you?
PRAYER: Thank you, Creator God, that we have all been made in your image and reflect your likeness. Help me to treasure every single person. Amen.

Released on 5 Jan 2021

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