Day 26 - Issue 33


Matthew 6:12-15 NLT
'…forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.'
It is difficult to grasp the scale of God’s forgiveness. Jesus points out that we first have to experience the extent of our waywardness before we can comprehend our need for God.
For years I took my acceptance by God for granted. I hadn’t grasped that God’s forgiveness was not on merit but by grace. I remained unaware of my real need for God, somehow believing I was a reasonable and OK guy. This meant I easily entered into criticism and judgement of others as I considered myself better than them. But no one but God is good (Mark 10:18). In acknowledging my waywardness, or sin, I accept that I am wholly dependent upon God for everything. This demands humility; I no longer advance my own merits. I accept God’s description of my nature and that I am nothing without God’s forgiveness.
I don’t reject myself or think badly of myself. I think soberly of myself. But as I began to appreciate my total dependence on God’s goodness, I discovered just how fragile my friendship with God was. As I started to explore many faith questions, one day when I was in my early 40s, I had a conversation with a lay Franciscan. She pointed out that while my interpersonal relationships and my engagement with life was strong, my relationship with God was minimal. I was stung by that, yet, over time I came to recognise how accurate her words were. I had to discover the depth of God’s forgiveness for me. In so doing I discovered I need not observe and criticise others.
QUESTION: Are you aware that you are nothing without God?
PRAYER: Transform me from caterpillar to butterfly, as I emerged to a greater appreciation and confidence in who you are and your loving forgiveness.

Released on 6 May 2020

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