Day 12 - Issue 37


READ: Ephesians 1.19-20 NLT
'I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.'
I love everything about Easter. Winter has gone and we can see evidence of new life springing up all around us. It is as if creation is joining in the celebrations of Easter and confirming the promise of new life in Jesus. Easter is a happy time to share with other Christians and the services are full of confidence and hope. We are absolutely right to enjoy this wonderful time of the year, but we need to be careful that we don’t leave it behind us and move on to something else. And that is because we are always an Easter people. Every single day is an Easter day because what happened when Jesus rose from death is an ongoing reality.
You cannot imagine a greater miracle than Jesus’ resurrection! There is an absolute finality about death and from the gospel accounts of Jesus crucifixion there is no doubt that he died on the cross. The Romans were experienced executioners but to make doubly sure that he was dead one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side causing a sudden flow of blood and water. Everyone knows that that’s the end. But not when God is at work. God is the source of all life and, when he decides to raise Jesus from death, that’s what happens.
Every day we meet many challenges. We face situations of struggle, confusion and brokenness and as we do so we need to remind ourselves that God is a God of resurrection. He loves bringing new life, not just on Easter day but everyday as we put our trust in him.

QUESTIONS: In what situation are you going to pray for new life today?
PRAYER: Loving God, we worship you because you are the God of resurrection. Help me to welcome the new life that you want to bring today. Amen

Released on 12 Apr 2021

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