Day 10 - Issue 36


READ: Genesis: 12:2-3
“I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
Never forget this! God is in the business of blessing people! That’s what he loves to do and that’s what Abram was just about to discover. At a time of life when most people would be seeking to take things more slowly, God calls him to be the father of a nation. Nothing suggests that this is remotely likely. One practical problem was that Abram and his wife Sarai had no children, but with God around that wasn’t going to be a major difficulty.
In life we face many challenges but God doesn’t want them to have the last word. Amidst the bumps and difficulties of life God’s desire is to bless us so that, in turn, we can bless other people. I love seeing that in action. I can think of many friends over the years who have had to face significant problems in life. I think of friends like Richard, Sandra and Tim all of whom had severe life limiting disabilities. They could have spent their lives moaning about the challenges that they had to face every single day. But instead they chose to thank God for his blessings and then generously to pass them on to others.
Abram and Sarai could easily have reflected on their age and childlessness and spent the rest of their lives stuck at home being miserable. But instead they chose to trust God and head off on an incredible adventure in which God’s amazing words of blessing would come true. Whatever you do today remember that before anything else God wants to bless you and help you to be a blessing.

QUESTION: In what ways has God blessed your life, and in what ways can you pass on his blessing?
PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to become increasingly generous in passing on your blessings to others. Amen.

Released on 14 Jan 2021

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