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Mark 14:22-24
There are many different ways to convey a message. In the Old Testament, we often see the prophets acting out their message. One such moment was when Ahijah tore his robe into twelve pieces and gave ten of them to Jereboam to demonstrate that ten of the tribes would make him king (1 Kings 11:29-32). Jeremiah also used actions to emphasise his messages. In Jeremiah 27:2, we find him with a yoke fastened to his neck to show how the Babylonians would conquer the land. Nobody could have misunderstood his message.
In our reading today, Jesus shared a special meal with his disciples. It was the time of the Passover and the meal which they shared was similar to a traditional Passover meal, but also very different. Using the powerful imagery of the broken bread and the wine, Jesus told his disciples that these symbols spoke of his own body and blood. Jesus had already clearly told them that he was going to die, but now he demonstrated it through sharing a simple meal with them.
I wonder what the disciples made of that meal. At the time, it must have been very confusing. Alarmingly, the meal began with Jesus telling them that one of them was going to betray him. They knew that there was an increasing tide of opposition to Jesus’ ministry and they must have felt nervous about what might happen next. In the midst of it all, they met Jesus their friend, their master and their Lord.
When we celebrate communion, we are in a very different place from the disciples. We know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that on the third day he rose again; that he is still alive and in heaven. But just as the disciples shared that last supper with the Lord in an atmosphere of tension so, too, we meet with the living Jesus in a world in which there is still much brokenness, violence and sin. Jesus meets with us where we are, just as he met with his disciples long ago in that upper room.
What does the service of Communion mean to you?
Lord Jesus, thank you that you meet with me day by day in the midst of the challenges and opportunities of life. Amen
Released on 6 Apr 2023
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