April 12th - 2 Timothy 1:7


2 Timothy 1:7
The apostle Paul wanted his young friend Timothy to be the best. There was no question that Timothy was going to face enormous challenges. He would continually confront opponents to the Christian faith, but he would also face issues of Church organisation and discipline. He had a tough job ahead of him. Paul knew it was vital that he was neither fearful nor timid. From the references to Timothy in Paul’s first letter to him, and in 1 Corinthians 16:10-11, we get the impression that he was quite a sensitive person and probably naturally inclined to be timid. Paul knew that this would be a terrible handicap in his leadership role. The fear of other people or of failure will always greatly restrict a leader’s effectiveness.
God doesn’t want fearful and timid leaders, but ones who are marked by his power and love, and who show self- discipline. The power that a Christian leader needs is not the authoritarian power which orders people about but the gentle, gracious, servant-hearted power which keeps going in the face of overwhelming opposition. It’s the power to keep preaching and caring for people when everyone is unkind and unappreciative. It’s the power to keep loving whatever the circumstances because of the overwhelming love that God has shown us. Love is always at the heart of Christian ministry.

Self-discipline or self-mastery would be crucial for Timothy. He needed to be totally in control of his energies and emotions in order to be effective for God. This might sound like something that we are able to achieve by human effort but Paul was clear that never works. The Stoics of Paul’s day believed they could transform their lives by sheer determination and effort, but Paul knew it to be a work of the Holy Spirit. Self-control is one of the fruits which irresistibly grows in the person who allows the Holy Spirit to take control.

In what specific ways do you need God’s power, love and self-discipline at the moment?
Father God, I thank you that you have given me your Holy Spirit. Help me to allow him to transform every part of my life. Amen

Released on 12 Apr 2023

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